fredag 29 maj 2009


Return On Eco Investment.

I formulated this acronym off the cuff as I was interviewed the other day regarding my opinions on the environment and energy issues.

Naturally I had a very marketing biased point of view, especially when I was first asked if I thought that energy corporations were doing enough for the environment?

My reply was that it was really hard to tell. Sure, there are a lot of good "greenwashing" campaigns out there, but I pointed out that it was almost impossible for me, whether as an ad-man or consumer to detect any tangible positive effects that the considerable investments these corporations have poured into pro-environmental technology and communication should have, or will have had.

Simply put, I would need serious proof of ROEI to give a good reply to their first question.

Then when asked if I, as a consumer, would be willing to spend more on energy utilities if these were pro-environmental I replied, where's the proof of ROEI? I was then asked to describe what I would advise corporations to do in order to prove what they are getting out of their ROEI, and how I would promote ROEI to their consumers...

I gave a few examples and thus ended the interview, I then rushed back to the office to start studying "my" new acronym and how it could be applied in marketing and communication. 12 hours later, I had a logo, a 12 slide PPT, and a ROEI methodology. Now I'm dying to try it out, and hopefully will do soon.

ROEI. Remember where you heard it first. If you're curious, just email me at and I'll be glad to share more of my ROEI findings with you...

Back soon,


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